What Is
Discover the journey of my seven-year writing journey and the upcoming release on January 10th.
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Setting the stage for what is to unfold.
Seven years prior to this publication, an encounter with the plant medicine psilocybin mushrooms brought about a profound shift, a transformation revealing the patterns and movements of the self in a complete and new light. This interaction unfolded an inner dialogue, a deep unveiling of the filters through which "l" viewed life—illuminating the preconceptions, limitations, and conditioning that shape the "me." In that space, the self was seen for the first time in its entirety, its intricate dance laid bare. Through this journey, a clarity emerged—one that spoke to the vital need for this same internal dialogue within every person, a conversation that calls out to the depths within each of us. Thus began a mission to bring this conversation into the open, inviting all who seek to explore these depths—whether they family, friends, colleagues, or even strangers—to see, perhaps for the first time, the roots of suffering and conflict that lie within. Around this time, awareness nurtured by plant medicine, a calling arose: to see if this essence, this energy of true seeing, could be captured within a written work. This book is the culmination of that work. Seven years of exploration, woven with every moment that has passed, is passing, and will pass—even as you read these words, know that the journey is ongoing, a continuous unfolding. Our paths are intertwined, our journeys one and the same. For I am you, as you are I. In love, always.
In a world overwhelmed by distractions, illusions, and the ceaseless pursuit of self-transformation, “what is” engages as a conversation that is both perilous and profoundly necessary—one glaringly absent from the fabric of our daily discourse. This work invites readers into a rigorous examination of the nature of reality, urging a direct encounter with “what is,” stripped of the comforting veils of ego and subjective interpretation. Through this process, it exposes the hidden forces shaping our consciousness and the unspoken truths lurking beneath our conditioned existence. Yet, this dialogue is fraught with danger. To genuinely perceive the truth of our experience requires dismantling the psychological constructs that we hold sacred, venturing into the darker, shadowed realms of the self. This exploration threatens the familiar narratives we rely upon for stability, demanding a descent into the unknown—a confrontation with the void beyond the mind’s projections. The refusal to engage with this conversation keeps us ensnared in a cycle of suffering, forever severed from the latent potentialities of true freedom. This is to be seen. “What is” serves as both a psychological and a metaphysical challenge, inquiring the esoteric dimensions of awareness that remain unspoken in our interactions with ourselves and others. It is a call to traverse the liminal spaces between perception and reality, demanding a confrontation with the unseen. For those ready to engage with the depths, it offers insight not of comfort but of transformation, insisting that this forgotten discourse is the key to unlocking an authentic engagement with the mystery of existence.
Regarding What Is.
Reader Feedback
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This book is a masterpiece! The depth of knowledge is astounding.
Emily Carter
New York
An incredible journey through seven years of hard work and dedication. Truly inspiring!
Michael Lee
Los Angeles